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How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

YouTube has now become a go-to place for most of us to watch longer-form videos. The thing is, especially for content creators, it’s only getting harder to get attention on such a crowded platform.

With millions of videos uploaded daily, standing out requires more than just great content. It demands strategic editing to captivate viewers and keep them engaged. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through essential editing techniques and tips that can enhance your YouTube videos and get the limelight they all deserve.

Editing YouTube Videos for More Views: What to Do

Editing is a crucial part of the video creation process that can significantly impact your channel's success. Effective editing not only improves the quality of your content but also plays a vital role in retaining viewer interest and encouraging engagement. Here are some key strategies to follow when editing your YouTube videos to maximize views:

1. Hook Your Audience Early

Hook Your Audience Early - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

No such thing as “save the best for last.” The first few seconds of your video are crucial. Start with an engaging hook that grabs attention immediately. This could be a surprising fact, a compelling question, catchy motion graphics, or a brief preview of what’s to come. The goal here is to intrigue viewers and make them want to keep watching.

2. Keep It Concise and Engaging

Keep It Concise and Engaging - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Attention spans are short, so make every second count. Edit out any unnecessary parts and focus on delivering your message clearly and concisely. Use jump cuts to maintain a fast pace and keep your content dynamic.

3. Use High-Quality Visuals and Audio

Use High-Quality Visuals and Audio - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Sure, you don't have to invest in high-quality cameras for HD videos. But one thing to remember here is to make sure that your video quality is high. Right now, many smartphones can capture such crystal-clear videos.

Don’t forget about good lighting and clear audio, too. Bring your videos to life using visually appealing elements like overlays, animations, and graphics that complement your content.

4. Incorporate Captions and Subtitles

Incorporate Captions and Subtitles - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Not all viewers watch the video on a big screen, and some may have hearing impairments. Adding captions and subtitles can increase your video's accessibility and reach a broader audience, including those who are hearing impaired or non-native speakers. This also helps viewers who might be watching in a noisy environment or prefer to watch without sound.

5. Utilize B-Roll and Cutaways

Utilize B-Roll and Cutaways - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

B-roll includes any video footage that isn't the primary shot but supports the main narrative. This could be anything from scenic shots, action sequences, or close-ups that take your story to the next level.

B-roll footage and cutaways can add depth and context to your main content, making your video more visually interesting. Use relevant B-rolls to illustrate points, break up longer segments, and keep the visual narrative engaging.

6. Optimize for Mobile Viewing

Optimize for Mobile Viewing - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Mobile is the #1 device for watching YouTube, capturing 63% of the platform's video views in 2023. So, make sure that your text, graphics, and overall video format are easily viewable on smaller screens.

Vertical or square formats can sometimes be more effective for mobile viewing. Use the Shorts feature for short-form, vertical videos.

7. End with a Strong Call to Action

End with a Strong Call to Action - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Encourage viewers to take the next step by ending your video with a strong call to action (CTA). This could be subscribing to your channel, liking the video, leaving a comment, or watching another related video. Make your CTA clear and compelling to drive engagement.

8. Create Custom Thumbnails and Titles

Create Custom Thumbnails and Titles - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Along with the title, your video’s thumbnail and title are the first things potential viewers see. Create eye-catching thumbnails and intriguing titles that accurately represent your content. This can significantly impact your click-through rate and overall views.

You can use graphic design tools with ready-to-use thumbnail templates like Canva, PicMonkey, Picsart, etc.

What Not to Do When Editing YouTube Videos

While effective editing can significantly enhance your YouTube videos, certain mistakes can detract from their quality and viewer engagement. Avoiding these common pitfalls is crucial to maintaining a professional and appealing channel.

1. Overuse Effects

Overuse Effects - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

While effects and transitions can add flair to your videos, overusing them can make your content look cluttered and amateurish. Use effects sparingly and make sure they serve a purpose in enhancing your narrative.

2. Long and Boring Intro

Long and Boring Intro - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

We’ve said it before: viewers have short attention spans and may click away if your intro is too long or unengaging. Keep your intros brief and to the point, ideally, no longer than 5-10 seconds, to quickly hook your audience right from the start.

3. Ignoring the Story Arc

Ignoring the Story Arc - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

Even informative videos benefit from a clear story arc. Avoid random cuts and disjointed segments by structuring your content with a beginning, middle, and end to create a coherent flow that keeps viewers engaged.

4. Skipping the Proofing Process

Skipping the Proofing Process - How to Edit YouTube Videos for More Views: Beginner’s Guide

You may get too excited and can’t wait to publish your YouTube video. But, don’t forget about the proofing process. Publishing without thoroughly reviewing your video can result in errors, whether they are typos in text overlays, mismatched audio, or awkward cuts. Always proof your video multiple times before uploading.


Wrapping Up

Editing YouTube videos is one thing. Making sure they receive decent views is a whole other challenge. It involves not only technical skills but also a deep understanding of your audience and strategic content planning. Remember, great content paired with great editing is the key to standing out on YouTube’s crowded platform.

Author Bio

Andre Oentoro

Andre Oentoro is one of the co-founders of Milkwhale, an internationally acknowledged infographic production agency. He helps businesses increase visibility on.

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